The morning after
CP's waiting anxiously at TP's hostel room door...
CP: "Come on da machi! We're getting really late, re, for the quiz. Bad company I am in - what love does to good people! Shi!"
TP (inside his room) 'Pyaaaaaaaar humein kissssss mod pe le aaYAAAAA ...'
TP (posing for a thousand imaginary popping flashbulbs): "So ... whadyu think? Haan? Haan?"
CP's lower jaw slowly made its way from the floor to its usual place - an inch below the upper jaw - his nerdy pose.
CP "Is that ..." (chokes) " ... is that a tweed jacket?"
TP grins wider...wider...widest.
CP (mutters): "All you need is a magnifying glass and a missing ruby necklace"
TP: "Whassat?"
CP: (quickly sees blank look on friend's face, hastily continues) "Hurry up da! We're late! What's with the getup anyway?"
TP: "WhatdoIsaymachaaaan! Stayed up last night helping PP with the play practice. On way back to room - just a little after a beautiful sunrise - guess who I see standing and gazing dreamily at the cloud-covered hilltops? I coulda thrown myself at her feet right then! You know what ... she was shivering and I dinna haf a jacket to give her! I would have lovingly wrapped mah arms 'round her, but ..." (TP's voice trails off sadly).

(Early morning view of the rolling hills around K. Taken from Hostel C.)
CP (sneers bitterly and barks sarcastically): "Well, for your sake I hope that it snows... snows tomorrow, that there's an avalanche... and you and your dahling are the only survivors. Gah!" (voice suddenly softens) "Me, I'm still caught up in the weekend. I can't believe myself!!"
It had been a wonderful weekend though. He had been rooted to the spot seeing HER dance to a bhangra beat. Many beauties and beasts were practising in all the open spaces available and seeing three of his class nerds shaking their booty to Ishq Kameena had had him howling with laughter. But such temptations did not deter TP from his goal, his eyes only sought her gaze. And so, he knew, did many others. Which was why he had stood there armed with a notebook and pen, if he could get her to partner with him for the Treasure Hunt, the next day and win the cup for her, wouldn't she see and faint with admiration at his smartery! Yet when he managed to spurt out the question, she merely ruffled his hair and partnered CP's archrival, Supernerd Studious Sureddy. When ... when would the time come, he wistfully wondered, when his heart would go balle balle?
TP wraps the tweed jacket tightly around himself as he sits down to take the quiz and mutters darkly "Something's gotta give ..."

(Sunrise at IIMK. The kind of view you'll get on an ordinary morning walk!)
(So what did happen during the Treasure Hunt? Stay tuned, stay glued. More coming up from the famed Hill-top campus of K! Even better, meet this Dynamic Duo in person! Come to Backwaters! Seeya here!)

Welcome to IIMK, folks! Backwaters 2007 awaits you!
CP: "Come on da machi! We're getting really late, re, for the quiz. Bad company I am in - what love does to good people! Shi!"
TP (inside his room) 'Pyaaaaaaaar humein kissssss mod pe le aaYAAAAA ...'
CP's lower jaw slowly made its way from the floor to its usual place - an inch below the upper jaw - his nerdy pose.
CP "Is that ..." (chokes) " ... is that a tweed jacket?"
TP grins wider...wider...widest.
CP (mutters): "All you need is a magnifying glass and a missing ruby necklace"
TP: "Whassat?"
CP: (quickly sees blank look on friend's face, hastily continues) "Hurry up da! We're late! What's with the getup anyway?"
TP: "WhatdoIsaymachaaaan! Stayed up last night helping PP with the play practice. On way back to room - just a little after a beautiful sunrise - guess who I see standing and gazing dreamily at the cloud-covered hilltops? I coulda thrown myself at her feet right then! You know what ... she was shivering and I dinna haf a jacket to give her! I would have lovingly wrapped mah arms 'round her, but ..." (TP's voice trails off sadly).

(Early morning view of the rolling hills around K. Taken from Hostel C.)
CP (sneers bitterly and barks sarcastically): "Well, for your sake I hope that it snows... snows tomorrow, that there's an avalanche... and you and your dahling are the only survivors. Gah!" (voice suddenly softens) "Me, I'm still caught up in the weekend. I can't believe myself!!"
TP wraps the tweed jacket tightly around himself as he sits down to take the quiz and mutters darkly "Something's gotta give ..."

(Sunrise at IIMK. The kind of view you'll get on an ordinary morning walk!)
(So what did happen during the Treasure Hunt? Stay tuned, stay glued. More coming up from the famed Hill-top campus of K! Even better, meet this Dynamic Duo in person! Come to Backwaters! Seeya here!)

Welcome to IIMK, folks! Backwaters 2007 awaits you!
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