Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Backwaters is back !!

There is something about milestones. Makes you look back fondly on those haunting memories, makes you take stock of what you have achieved and if you've done all that you had planned.
And when, as in the case of 10 years of IIMK and Backwaters, those achievements far exceed all expectations, it makes you want to pull out that bottle of champagne and raise a toast for the many many more milestones that are to come!
Backwaters is back! And for all of us in the co-ordination team, it is going to be a culmination of a year of planning, brainstorming, strategising, collaborating and finally slogging it out! And all this for 3 days that will rock your world!!

Backwaters is all about the best things in a BSchool: late nights, tough competitions, celebrations, debating with friends on just what colour the ppt should be, nerve racking suspense before the results are declared and most of all, letting loose and partying like mad!

- The Backwaters 2007 Team


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work guys. Looking forward to participating in Backwaters 2007.

But I could not find a link to this blog on your website.

Great work guys.

12:41 PM  

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