TP and CP take their first baby steps...
CP and TP are sitting together in class. Boys will be boys and soon...
TP: Psst - CP - listen na - like a big stud I tried solving that Nicks and Lessons yesterday... the finance quiz! I got so screwed machaan! What all they asked maan! I was like, why would people want to do this stuff?? Anyway, so I googled half the answers, put tukkas for the rest and sent it. Let's see what happens!
CP: But it was a rather easy quiz, most of it we will be learning in this semester in Financial Management 2...
TP: (groans) - Oh man.
CP: ... but guess what I tried out yesterday.
TP: Analysed the thetas of all Sensex stocks for the last... umm... 100 years?
CP: Betas, you doof! No, I tried my hand, or foot I should say, at that Bhangra dance they're staging for Backwaters - but, dammit, I made such a fool of myself! I have two left feet. But think - with that Bhangra I'm now well on my way to becoming cool, na?
TP: Humm - Backwaters is just what I need! Have you checked out that Ops game they have, Opium? It looks real cool, dude. And Oil Raiders, I gonna need your help with that…
CP: Sure! But only if I can find time to help you. I'm looking forward to the Cultural nights at Backwaters. It’s the first time I will be in a dance on stage and the first time I will go to an actual concert. I hope Euphoria play 'Mae Ri', I love that song.
TP: CP, its cool how K is kicked into action about Backwaters. People really seem to have gotten into it maan! Organizing events and Dance practices and blah - Culcom's into a higher gear and the volunteers look like total enthu cutlets. And I'm waiting for the crowd from the other colleges to get here, know what I mean ;)
CP: Yeah that really will be a great experience sharing our thoughts and ideas with our fellow students and finding out how things work in the other colleges.
TP: (rolling his eyes) Dope! What am I going to do with you??
Prof - CP, TP, continue your discussion outside. You two seemed unnaturally excited about something and I know for sure it cannot be my class!
TP: Psst - CP - listen na - like a big stud I tried solving that Nicks and Lessons yesterday... the finance quiz! I got so screwed machaan! What all they asked maan! I was like, why would people want to do this stuff?? Anyway, so I googled half the answers, put tukkas for the rest and sent it. Let's see what happens!
CP: But it was a rather easy quiz, most of it we will be learning in this semester in Financial Management 2...
TP: (groans) - Oh man.
CP: ... but guess what I tried out yesterday.
TP: Analysed the thetas of all Sensex stocks for the last... umm... 100 years?
CP: Betas, you doof! No, I tried my hand, or foot I should say, at that Bhangra dance they're staging for Backwaters - but, dammit, I made such a fool of myself! I have two left feet. But think - with that Bhangra I'm now well on my way to becoming cool, na?
TP: Humm - Backwaters is just what I need! Have you checked out that Ops game they have, Opium? It looks real cool, dude. And Oil Raiders, I gonna need your help with that…
CP: Sure! But only if I can find time to help you. I'm looking forward to the Cultural nights at Backwaters. It’s the first time I will be in a dance on stage and the first time I will go to an actual concert. I hope Euphoria play 'Mae Ri', I love that song.
TP: CP, its cool how K is kicked into action about Backwaters. People really seem to have gotten into it maan! Organizing events and Dance practices and blah - Culcom's into a higher gear and the volunteers look like total enthu cutlets. And I'm waiting for the crowd from the other colleges to get here, know what I mean ;)
CP: Yeah that really will be a great experience sharing our thoughts and ideas with our fellow students and finding out how things work in the other colleges.
TP: (rolling his eyes) Dope! What am I going to do with you??
Prof - CP, TP, continue your discussion outside. You two seemed unnaturally excited about something and I know for sure it cannot be my class!
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